Indian Banking Sector and COVID-19

Posted On - 21 May, 2020 • By - Siddartha Karnani

Soon after the WHO declared the novel Coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, the already ailing Indian economy deteriorated further. However, the RBI, being the knight in the shining armour, is continuously providing relief measures to rejuvenate the banking sector of India. In this video, our Partner, Siddartha Karnani, speaks on the measures taken by the RBI to aid the banking industry and the state of Indian Banking Sector and COVID-19.

More articles on Indian Banking Sector and COVID-19 by King Stubb & Kasiva:

COVID-19 Update – RBI Measures as of date in view of the COVID-19 pandemic –

Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Economy

“WHO” Calls COVID-19 a Financial Rebound- A Statement or a Question?

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