Deepika Kumari, Applauds IBBI’s Progressive Measures in Empowering Creditors in a Coverage by BusinessLine

Posted On - 27 February, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

Deepika Kumari, has been featured in a recent article by BusinessLine, providing insightful commentary on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India’s (IBBI) latest move to enhance the liquidation process through increased stakeholder engagement.

In the BusinessLine coverage titled “Empowering Creditors: IBBI Boosts Liquidation Process with Stakeholder Engagement,” Deepika Kumari highlighted the positive impact of IBBI’s initiative. In her statement, she noted, “Liquidators will now be actively disclosing information to the Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee (SCC) in a timely manner, marking a positive and welcome step forward.”
