Deepika Kumari Highlights Gender Equality Advancements in Indian Family Businesses in a Business Standard Article

Posted On - 18 June, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

In a recent feature article titled “Daughters Inc: The Unfolding of Succession at Indian Family Businesses” published by Business Standard, Deepika Kumari provided insights into the evolving landscape of gender equality within India’s family-owned enterprises.

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Deepika’s commentary in the article underscored the significant strides made in recent years due to increased education, awareness about gender equality, and progressive legal reforms. She noted, “Consequently, more daughters are now actively participating in family businesses, inheriting ownership stakes, and assuming leadership roles, marking a significant stride towards gender equality and inclusivity in business and inheritance practices in India.”

Her remarks shed light on a transformative shift where daughters are increasingly recognized for their contributions and entrusted with pivotal roles traditionally held by male heirs. This evolution not only reflects changing societal norms but also aligns with global standards of inclusivity and diversity in corporate governance.

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