Entrepreneurship 2.0 – Post Covid-19 – Webinar – April 22 – 11 AM-12 PM

Posted On - 19 April, 2020 • By - admin

With the coronavirus pandemic, there are many start-ups that will have to change their course of work. A survey by Indeed says that 64% of Indian businesses are pivoting in response to pandemic. Health-tech, artificial intelligence, E-commerce grocery platforms and habit-forming sectors related to working out, cooking, listening to podcasts and many others are the new emerging sectors. While some start-ups may face adverse challenges in the current scenario, a plethora of players in the start-up ecosystem are blooming. Some are even proactively adapting their business models to make themselves sustainable and continue to provide their services to their target audience.

1. Arjun Rao | General Partner | Speciale Invest
2. Chander Nakul | Director-BD | Amicorp Group
3. Jidesh Kumar | Managing Partner | King Stubb Kasiva
4. Pravesh Goel | Managing Partner | Nucleus Advisors

Moderator: Vijay Singh Rathore | Founding Partner | Nucleus Advisors

Topic: Entrepreneurship 2.0 Post Covid-19
Date: April 22, 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 11AM to 12 PM

Watch this Live Panel Discussion with Industry Experts on
Youtube: https://youtu.be/PL2wYAPfqLI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nucleusadvisors/videos/1333336240185133/

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