Jidesh Kumar Highlights Key Financial Concerns in Recent Article by Livemint

Posted On - 13 June, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

In a recent article published by LiveMint, Jidesh Kumar sheds light on critical issues within the financial industry, emphasizing the potential risks posed by certain corporate practices.

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His insights draw attention to the sophisticated methods companies might use to misrepresent their financial health and the tactics employed to influence financial ratings.

“Companies could employ complex financial structures to obscure risks or misrepresent their financial health. Additionally, they may attempt to influence the rating process through lobbying, providing incentives, or withholding critical information,” Jidesh states.

These practices can significantly distort the true financial picture of companies, leading to misguided investment decisions and undermining market integrity. By using intricate financial arrangements, companies may hide potential risks, presenting a more favorable financial position than reality. Furthermore, attempts to manipulate the rating process through unethical means such as lobbying or withholding information can result in biased ratings that do not accurately reflect the company’s financial status.

Visit link to read more: https://www.livemint.com/industry/banking/rating-agencies-look-to-rbi-for-curbing-non-cooperation-by-companies/amp-11718187218755.html