KSK Facilitates Successful M&A Transaction for Shree Cements

Posted On - 14 March, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

KSK proudly announces the successful completion of a significant merger and acquisition (M&A) transaction for Shree Cements. The seamless execution of this transaction underscores the exceptional expertise and dedication of our corporate team.

Led by Pooja Chatterjee, Surbhi Kapoor and Udita, our stellar corporate team played a pivotal role in guiding Shree Cements through this transformative business endeavor. Their strategic insight, meticulous planning, and unwavering commitment ensured a smooth and efficient process, ultimately resulting in a favorable outcome for our valued client.

At KSK, we are committed to providing unparalleled advisory services that empower our clients to achieve their business objectives. Our team remains dedicated to delivering innovative solutions, personalized guidance, and steadfast support to clients across diverse industries.

Coverage: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/shree-cement-acquires-5-ready-mix-concrete-plants-in-mumbai/articleshow/108446645.cms