Vatsal Gaur’s Insights at BW Businessworld Web 3.0 Summit & Awards 2023

Posted On - 24 July, 2023 • By - admin

Our Partner, Vatsal Gaur, was a distinguished speaker at the prestigious BW Businessworld Web 3.0 Summit & Awards 2023, held on the 19th of July in New Delhi. Vatsal’s presence and expertise were pivotal highlights as he joined fellow panel experts in an engaging discussion centered around the revolutionary theme of NFTs.

NFTs, the trailblazing Non-Fungible Tokens, have disrupted traditional notions of ownership and value, driving unprecedented transformations across industries. Vatsal’s profound insights and visionary perspectives on NFTs undoubtedly shed light on their vast potential and applications, shaping the future of the digital landscape.

Vatsal discussed the interplay of Intellectual Property Rights with NFTs and highlighted the legal risks associated with NFT projects lacking specific IP rights transfer. He addressed the lack of interest from brands in NFT projects solely driven by hype, emphasizing the importance of planned tokenomics and underlying revenue models.

He also stressed the significance of understanding legal nuances when launching an NFT project, ensuring compliance and mitigating potential legal challenges.

Stay tuned for more updates from KSK as we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of technology and innovation.