Webinar – Continuity for US businesses during and after the COVID-19 Crisis – DW, KSK & Lex Witness

Posted On - 27 April, 2020 • By - admin

Dickinson Wright PLLC in collaboration with King Stubb & Kasiva, Advocates & Attorneys and Lex Witness – India’s 1st Magazine on Legal & Corporate Affairs organised a Webinar on “Continuity for US businesses during and after the COVID-19 Crisis”. Panelists on the Webinar from KSK included Jidesh Kumar, Rajesh Sivaswamy & Rajeev Rambhatla and from DW were Mahesh Nayak, Kathleen Vanderveen & Jeff Craven. The Webinar included discussion on range of issues relating to Financial assistance under the CARES Act, Force Majeure relative to contracts, Immigration Guidance. On the Indian side the issues discussed were – Government support to Indian subsidiaries of US corporations, Employment Strategies – Salary postponement, lay off, termination, IP and M&A, Future strategy of US manufacturing businesses in Asia and the MAKE IN INDIA advantage. View the recorded webcast of the webinar on https://bit.ly/358yGqx