Zeeshan Farooqui Highlights Need for Reintroducing Beedi Cess in Financial Express Article

Posted On - 22 May, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva
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In a recent article published by Financial Express titled “Trade unions want beedi cess back, seek safety net for workers,” Zeeshan Farooqui emphasizes the critical need for reintroducing a cess to support beedi workers. Farooqui states, “Reintroducing a cess can fund essential welfare programs that provide pensions, health insurance, and education benefits, helping to restore the support system that workers lost when the Beedi Cigar Workers’ Welfare Act was repealed.”

This statement underlines the importance of reinstating financial mechanisms to ensure the well-being of beedi workers, who have been adversely affected by the repeal of the welfare act. The proposed cess aims to provide a safety net through vital social security measures, including pensions, healthcare, and educational support.

Read more: https://www.financialexpress.com/india-news/trade-unions-want-beedi-cess-back-seek-safety-net-for-workers/3496446/