Allahabad High Court’s Decision On The Importance Of Transparency In Employment Applications

Posted On - 14 February, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

The Hon’ble Allahabad High Court in Special Appeal No. 777 of 2023 ruled that any petitioner seeking employment must disclose accurate information about their criminal history. The Hon’ble High Court emphasized that suppressing or providing false information can lead to the cancellation of candidature or dismissal from service. The petitioner had applied for a position in the Hon’ble Allahabad High Court and marked ‘No’ against the column whether any criminal complaint have been registered against him. Despite an opportunity to correct this information, the candidate failed to do so for 10 months. The Hon’ble High Court upheld the cancellation of the candidate’s candidature emphasizing that he deliberately concealed the information and failed to demonstrate any special circumstance in his favor. This decision by the Hon’ble High Court reinforces the importance of transparency and honesty in the employment application process particularly regarding criminal history and underscores the repercussions for candidates who suppress or provide false information.