Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission Grants Open Access Approval for Solar Power In Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Posted On - 4 July, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva


The Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (CSERC) issued a significant order on May 31, 2024, granting M/s Avinash Developers Pvt. Ltd. permission to utilize open access for their newly established 3 MW (AC) solar power plant. The plant, located in Village-Goukheda, Tehsil-Tilda, District-Raipur, is part of the company’s growing portfolio of solar energy projects. The decision allows the company to supply solar power directly to its captive users, Magnato The Mall and Club Parasio, without the need for a separate dedicated feeder line, thereby reducing infrastructure costs and streamlining the power distribution process.

Case Timeline

The case was initiated by M/s Avinash Developers Pvt. Ltd., who filed a petition with CSERC seeking an exemption from the requirement of having a dedicated feeder for open access. The Commission, after hearing arguments from both the petitioner and the respondents (CSPDCL and CSPTCL), issued its order on May 31, 2024.

Issue Raised

The core issue revolved around the interpretation and application of Clause 5(5) of the CSERC (Connectivity and Intra-State Open Access) Regulations, 2011. This clause allows the Commission to grant exemptions from the dedicated feeder requirement under specific circumstances. The petitioner argued that their case met the criteria for exemption, while the respondents, the distribution and transmission licensees, outlined the conditions under which they would agree to the exemption.

Appellant’s Arguments

M/s Avinash Developers Pvt. Ltd. presented a compelling case for exemption, emphasizing the negligible impact the solar power drawl would have on the existing grid infrastructure. They argued that installing a dedicated feeder would be an unnecessary financial burden for a project of this scale. To address the concerns of the respondents, the company expressed its willingness to invest in data communication facilities, metering equipment, and adhere to any load restrictions imposed by the authorities.

Respondent’s Arguments

CSPDCL, the distribution licensee, and CSPTCL, the transmission licensee, did not oppose the exemption in principle. However, they highlighted the importance of ensuring grid stability and reliability. They stipulated that the petitioner must install advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) with automatic meter reading (AMR) and remote terminal units (RTUs) for real-time data monitoring. This would allow for effective load management and prevent disruptions to the existing power supply.


After a thorough analysis of the arguments and evidence presented, the Commission ruled in favor of the petitioner. They acknowledged the petitioner’s commitment to fulfilling the conditions laid out by the respondents and recognized the negligible impact the project would have on the grid. This decision was reinforced by the fact that the petitioner’s captive user, Magnato The Mall, had already been granted a similar exemption for another solar power plant. The Commission also found that the second captive user, Club Paraiso, met the eligibility criteria for exemption under the CSERC’s renewable energy regulations.


The CSERC’s decision to grant open access approval without the need for a dedicated feeder marks a progressive step towards encouraging renewable energy adoption in Chhattisgarh. By reducing the regulatory hurdles for solar power projects, the Commission is incentivizing investments in clean energy sources. This move aligns with both state and national objectives of increasing the share of renewables in the overall energy mix. The decision also sets a positive precedent for future projects, demonstrating the regulatory flexibility and support for sustainable development initiatives.