Office Of District Magistrate, Gurugram Orders Facilities To Be Accorded To Employees Due To The Outbreak Of Severe Heatwave

Posted On - 21 June, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

The District Magistrate of Gurugram taking into account the outbreak of severe heat wave in the district has released an order dated 31st May 2024 Ends No. 67/FRA asking the employers and contractors of such workers, labours, and the RWA societies to arrange the following facilities for their employees:

  1. Availability of clean drinking water.
  2. Arrangement of shade, ventilation and water coolers at workplace.
  3. Provision of ORS/Glucose Kits/Shikanji/Nimbu Pani, water bottles, ice packs for workers.
  4. Allocating minimum outdoor work during 12 PM – 4 PM.
  5. Covering the medical costs of workers exposed to heatwave related illness.
  6. Avoiding the calling of house helps/domestic maids during afternoon.