Global Biofuel Alliance: A Priority Of India’s G20 Presidency

Posted On - 14 September, 2023 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

The formation of the Global Biofuel Alliance stands out as a key focus under India’s G20 Presidency, reflecting the joint efforts of Brazil, India, and the United States, three prominent players in the biofuel industry. Over the coming months, these nations, alongside interested parties, will work together to establish this visionary alliance.[1]

The primary objective of this Alliance is to facilitate collaboration and enhance the utilization of sustainable biofuels, particularly within the transportation sector. It will prioritize strengthening biofuels markets, streamlining global biofuels trade, sharing valuable policy insights, and offering technical support to national biofuels programs worldwide. Additionally, the Alliance will highlight the importance of implementing best practices and emphasizing successful case studies.

The Global Biofuel Alliance will operate in coordination with and complement existing regional and international organizations and initiatives in the fields of bioenergy, the bio-economy, and broader energy transition. These encompass the Clean Energy Ministerial Bio future Platform, the Mission Innovation Bioenergy initiatives, and the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP).

This significant initiative was unveiled by Shri Hardeep S Puri, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Housing & Urban Affairs, during India Energy Week 2023.[2]

Central to this initiative is the commitment to sustainable biofuels. These biofuels, derived from renewable sources such as crops, algae, or waste materials, hold the potential to serve as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. By promoting responsible production and consumption, the Alliance aspires to mitigate the environmental impact of transportation and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. Below, are the key aspects of this initiative:

Strengthening Biofuels Markets

One of the principal goals of the Alliance is to fortify global biofuels markets. This entails fostering an environment conducive to biofuel producers, investors, and consumers. Through research and development initiatives, the Alliance seeks to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of biofuel production, making it a compelling choice for meeting transportation and other energy needs.

Facilitating Global Biofuels Trade

The promotion of international trade in biofuels is another crucial area of focus. The Alliance intends to simplify the global trade of sustainable biofuels, reducing trade barriers and promoting equitable trade practices. This will facilitate the creation of a more interconnected global biofuel market, ensuring a stable supply of biofuels to meet the growing global energy demand sustainably.

Policy Lesson-Sharing and Development

The Global Biofuel Alliance will work towards addressing key barriers and challenges in the biofuels sector, including technology development, feedstock availability, infrastructure requirements, policy frameworks, and market incentives. It will promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing among member countries and stakeholders to facilitate the transfer of best practices and lessons learned. By exchanging experiences and best practices, the Alliance aims to facilitate the adoption of effective policies worldwide.

Advancing Sustainable Development and Climate Goals

The alliance is expected to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals, including the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action). It will also support the objectives of global initiatives such as the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All initiative.

Reducing Emissions, Strengthening Security, and Fostering Prosperity

The alliance envisions a future where biofuels play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy security, promoting rural development, and creating sustainable economic opportunities. It aims to promote the development and use of advanced biofuels, such as cellulosic biofuels, algae-based fuels, and bio-based aviation fuels, which have the potential to offer greater environmental benefits and lower carbon emissions compared to conventional biofuels.

The Alliance will also shine a spotlight on existing success stories and best practices. By showcasing real-world examples of sustainable biofuel production and consumption, the Alliance can inspire other nations to follow suit. Recognizing and celebrating these achievements will create a positive narrative around biofuels and encourage their widespread adoption.

Collaboration with Existing Initiatives

By fostering international cooperation and collaboration, the Global Biofuel Alliance aims to unlock the potential of biofuels as a sustainable and low-carbon energy source and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable energy future.

Significantly, by mobilizing the expertise and resources of governments, industry, research institutions, and civil society to accelerate the transition to a bio-based economy.


The establishment of the Global Biofuels Alliance by Brazil, India, and the United States signifies a significant stride toward a sustainable energy future. This initiative embodies a shared commitment to sustainable biofuels, fortified global markets, seamless international trade, policy cooperation, technical support, and the celebration of success. By working together and in collaboration with other stakeholders, the Alliance aims to expedite the transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy landscape.

[1] Press Release by PIB Delhi on [11 Feb 2023 1:58PM], (

[2] Press Release, on 06 Feb 2023 6:54PM by PIB Delhi (