Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) Amends Rooftop Solar Regulations

Posted On - 1 June, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva


The Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) has recently proposed significant amendments to its rooftop solar regulations.[1] These amendments aim to streamline the process of installing rooftop solar systems, incentivize their adoption, and align with recent changes at the national level.

Explanation of the Amendments

The key amendments proposed by HPERC are as follows:

  • Exemption of Technical Feasibility Study: In line with the Ministry of Power’s notification dated February 22, 2024, HPERC has proposed to exempt the requirement of a technical feasibility study for rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with a capacity of up to 10 kW. This exemption will simplify and expedite the installation process for smaller-scale solar projects.
  • State Nodal Agency: The amendment clarifies the role of the State Nodal Agency (HIMURJA or the Distribution Licensee) in implementing solar rooftop schemes. The agency will be responsible for registering, acknowledging, and granting in-principle approvals for rooftop solar systems, facilitating the subsidy process, and adhering to specified timelines.
  • Streamlined Timelines: The revised regulations include specific timelines for various activities involved in the installation process, ensuring greater transparency and efficiency. These timelines apply to both consumers and relevant authorities, with the aim of reducing delays and promoting timely project completion.
  • Deemed Acceptance: For rooftop solar PV systems up to 10 kW, complete applications will be deemed accepted without requiring a technical feasibility assessment. This further simplifies the process for smaller systems, encouraging their adoption.


These amendments are expected to have a positive impact on the rooftop solar sector in Himachal Pradesh. By simplifying procedures, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and aligning with national regulations, HPERC is paving the way for a more accessible and streamlined process for consumers to adopt rooftop solar. This, in turn, will contribute to the state’s renewable energy goals and reduce reliance on conventional energy sources.

The proposed amendments are currently in the draft stage, and HPERC has invited objections and suggestions from stakeholders until May 31, 2024. Once finalized, the amendments will be published in the Himachal Pradesh Gazette, and come into effect from the date of publication.

[1] https://hperc.org/new1/File1/drooftopsolar3-24.pdf