Historical Similarity In Previous Pay Scales Can Be Considered To Allow Same Pay Scale For Similar Posts: Supreme Court

Posted On - 20 December, 2023 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

The employees sought upgradation of pay scales of assistant and personal assistant posts of Ordnance Factory Board, Headquarters as had been provided to similarly placed employees of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Armed Force Headquarters Civil Service cadre and other similar cadres. Upon being denied pay parity by Central Administrative Tribunal, the aggrieved employees approached the High Court which ruled in favour of the employees as per the recommendations provided in the VIth Central Pay Commission. On an appeal against the High Court order, the Hon’ble Apex Court in Civil Appeal No. 1663/2016 upheld the judgement passed by the Delhi High Court and observed that historical similarity in previous pay scales can be considered by the courts for fixation of pay scale which has created anomalies.