Puducherry Issues Advisory On Preparatory Measures To Minimise Adverse Effects Of Extreme Hot Weather

Posted On - 16 May, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

The Office of the Commissioner of Labour, Government of Puducherry has issued a circular dated April 16, 2024 No.: 2130/LAB/AIL/G/2024 to occupiers/employers/construction companies/industries for management and mitigation of adverse effects of extreme hot weather. Some of the crucial steps are as follows:

  1. rescheduling of working hours for employees/workers in different sectors;
  2. ensuring necessary arrangements for regulating piece rate and requirement/urgency for undertaking physical work during summer;
  3. ensuring adequate drinking water facilities at workplaces;
  4. ensuring provision of emergency ice packs and heat illness prevention material to construction workers;
  5. coordinating with the competent authorities for regular health check-ups of the employees; and
  6. adherence to health advisory issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for employers and workers such as cautioning workers to avoid direct sunlight, reminders to stay hydrated, scheduling strenuous outdoor jobs in cooler times of the day, distributing informational templates and organizing trainings, etc.