The government of Karnataka notifies criteria for recognition of first aid training institutes for the purpose of Factories Act, 1948

Posted On - 24 February, 2025 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

The government of Karnataka vide Notification No. LD 90 KABANI 2023 dated January 2, 2025, had issued qualifications for the institutes which may obtain recognition under the Factories Act, 1948, to impart first aid training. Qualifications include registration under the Companies Act, Partnership Act or Indian Trust Act, etc, shall employ at least 2 first aid training assistants, shall have necessary equipment for training, etc. Attached to the notification are the Appendix B and C which has syllabus for first aid training of industrial workers and Application form for registration and approval of the First Aid Training together with affidavit consent letter and checklist respectively.