The Ministry Of Corporate Affairs Launched Second Set Of Company Forms Covering 56 Forms On Mca21 – V3 Portal For Filing Purposes.

Posted On - 27 February, 2023 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva

The Version 3 or V3 portal of the MCA21 portal is an upgraded version of the Version 2 or V2 Portal with the objective of better service facilities as well as the use of data analytics. Apart from Company and LLP Modules, it also includes facilities for e-Adjudication, e-Consultation, eBook, Learning Management and Compliance Management System driven by data analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. Though the transition was completed on 23.01.2023, there are still technical glitches ever since the migration, such as a user is unable to migrate their login credentials from V2 to the V3 portal, forms not getting downloaded, errors in filing name reservation and incorporation forms and failed payments. However, several representations have been made to the Ministry to allow the physical submission of forms till the technical issues get resolved. The Minister of Corporate Affairs Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman has instructed the Ministry to form a special team to address public grievances and for regular monitoring. Amidst the technical difficulties, and considering the various representations, on February 7th, the Ministry allowed an extension of time for filing the 45 Company e-forms by 15 days on the V3 portal without the payment of any additional fee. 

The main difference between the V2 and the V3 portal is that the V2 portal requires the forms to be filled and then uploaded on the portal while in the V3 portal, the forms are to be filled online. This enables user convenience including the ability to save a half-filled form and file it later. Further, in V2, there was only a ‘My Workspace’ section which had a list of notices from MCA and circulars issued by them. In V3, there is a personalised “My Application” feature that allows one to view all the forms filed by them till date along with the status of the forms such as pending for DSC upload, Under Processing, Pay fees, Resubmission, etc. When a user logs in to V3 portal, the login is through the email id whereas, in V2, it was possible with the user id. When a business user logs in to the MCA system, an OTP will be sent to their mobile and email address to ensure the authenticity of the user.[1] 
