Agrochemicals & Insecticides

King Stubb & Kasiva has been representing several reputed insecticide, pesticide, and agrochemical companies in India and providing them with a wide array of services. Our services encompass both advisories as well as litigation-related matters.
Our Services
- Providing opinions on and drafting replies to show cause notices received from Insecticides, Fertilizers and Seeds Inspectors and other authorities.
- Filing appeals and representing Clients before Appellate Authorities constituted under the Insecticides Act, 1968, Seeds Act, 1966, Fertilizer Control Order, 1985 etc. against refusal to grant registration or licenses under the said Acts.
- Filing petitions before various High Courts and the Supreme Court against various Govt. actions, decisions, etc. that are prejudicial to the interest of the clients.
- Representing clients before various courts in misbranding cases.
- Filing petitions before various High Courts for quashing criminal prosecution under the Insecticides Act, 1968, Seeds Act, 1966, Fertilizer Control Order, 1985 initiated against clients.
- Carrying on investigations and anti-counterfeiting raids on behalf of the clients.
- Handling PAN India litigations including recoveries and dishonouring of cheques for the clients.
- Representing clients in matters pertaining to tenders, arbitrations, etc.
- Auditing licenses issued to the clients under the Insecticides Act, Seeds Act and Fertilizers Control Order to ensure that the same are in compliance with the requirements of the law.
Key Highlights
- Filed a writ petition before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court on behalf of Crop Care Federation of India, Crop Life India and other Agro-chemical companies challenging amendments made to labelling and packaging requirements provided under the Insecticides Rules, 1971. The Hon’ble Court was pleased to grant interim relief on the first day of the hearing. The case was widely covered by various Newspapers.
- Filed a writ petition on behalf of Crop Care Federation of India and its member companies before the Hon’ble Bombay High Court challenging a ban on “co-marketing arrangements” by the Maharashtra Govt. The Hon’ble Court was pleased to stay the operation of the impugned Order.
- Successfully represented Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Association of India in a writ petition filed before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court seeking directions to the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare to disclose all relevant reports and documents that formed basis for issuance of a Gazettee Notification banning 27 insecticides.
- Successfully handled the transaction pertaining to the take-over of M/s. Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd. by M/s. KIE Crop Solutins (I) Pvt. Ltd.
- Conducted several successful anti-counterfeiting raids in relation to spurious/counterfeit agrochemicals across India including Delhi, Pune, Nashik, Saharanpur and Panipat etc.
Key Professionals
Related Practice Areas
What legal regulations govern the agrochemical and insecticide industry in India?
The agrochemical and insecticide industry in India is primarily regulated by the Insecticides Act, 1968, and the rules framed under this Act. Additionally, there may be state-specific regulations that companies need to comply with.
How can King Stubb & Kasiva assist agricultural pesticide companies in navigating legal challenges?
Our law firm provides legal counsel to agricultural pesticide companies, helping them with regulatory compliance, product registrations, intellectual property protection, and representing them in litigation if necessary.
Are there specific legal considerations for manufacturers of pesticide intermediates in India?
Manufacturers of pesticide intermediates must adhere to strict quality and safety standards. Our firm provides legal guidance on compliance, permitting, and intellectual property protection for intermediates.
What are the legal responsibilities and challenges for food and feed producers and distributors in the agrochemical industry?
Legal responsibilities include compliance with food safety and labeling regulations. We help clients with compliance, product recalls, and handling legal issues related to their products.