The Affairs of Arbitration Amidst the COVID-19 in India

Posted On - 31 May, 2020 • By - Krusch Antony
The Affairs of Arbitration Amidst the COVID-19 in India

The global spread of the COVID-19 has brought about many changes in the functioning of various legal procedures. Arbitration is one such procedure that has undergone digitization due to the outbreak of the pandemic. In this video, our partner, Krusch Antony, shares his thought on this topic. Krusch, who has had a special interest in arbitration for a good part of his career, shares his thoughts on the current state of affairs of arbitration during COVID-19 and the emergence of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).

More articles on The Affairs of Arbitration Amidst the COVID-19 in India by King Stubb & Kasiva:

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR): A Positive Contrivance to Justice Post COVID-19

Impact of Covid-19 on Arbitration Proceedings in India –

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