Enhancing Operational Efficiency: SEBI’s Amendment to Employees’ Service Regulations

Posted On - 19 March, 2024 • By - King Stubb & Kasiva


The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulatory authority in the nation’s securities market, diligently safeguarding investor interests, enhancing market integrity and efficiency. At the heart of its operations lie the SEBI Employees’ Service Regulations, pivotal in orchestrating the recruitment, promotion, and overall workforce management within the organization. Recognizing the need to evolve, SEBI has recently introduced the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees’ Service) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024. These amendments signify a concerted effort to optimize the internal mechanisms governing SEBI with the goal to enhance operational efficacy and align with contemporary market demands.

About the Amendment:

The recent amendments to the SEBI (Employees’ Service) Regulations, 2024, underscore an effort towards increasing transparency and efficiency. A noteworthy alteration is the restructuring of the selection committee tasked with appointing Executive Directors, a pivotal role within SEBI’s hierarchy. Previously vested solely within the competent authority, this responsibility now resides with a newly formed search-cum-selection committee. Comprising a blend of internal members and external experts, this committee heralds a shift towards a more inclusive and comprehensive evaluation process.

The process of constituting selection committees: The competent authority holds the responsibility to establish these committees, tailoring the number of members, and including outside experts as deemed necessary for recruitment and promotion processes. Notably, for recruitment at the Executive Director level on deputation or contract, a search-cum-selection committee is mandated, designed to ensure thorough evaluation and selection of candidates. Moreover, in a demonstration of heightened accountability, any appointment to the position of Executive Director must receive prior approval from the Board before an offer of appointment is extended to the chosen candidate.

The guidelines for promotion and deputation/contract appointments: For promotion considerations, a Selection Committee comprising the Chairman, two other members of the Board, and two external experts nominated by the Chairman are tasked with evaluating candidates. Similarly, for deputation or contract appointments, a Search-cum-Selection Committee is constituted, again including the Chairman, two Board members, and two external experts nominated by the Chairman. Additionally, the clause addressing deputation from government or other organizations underscores the importance of collaboration and consultation in finalizing terms and conditions, further enhancing the integrity of the appointment process.

The revised regulations delineate the composition of selection committees for promotions and deputation/contract appointments, further delineating SEBI’s commitment to procedural rigor and fairness. For promotions, the committee boasts representation from the Board alongside external experts appointed by the Chairman, fostering a balanced and objective decision-making framework. Similarly, for deputation/contract appointments, the inclusion of Board members and external experts in the search-cum-selection committee underscores SEBI’s unwavering dedication to upholding standards of competence and alignment with organizational objectives. These meticulously structured committees epitomize SEBI’s commitment to meritocracy and organizational excellence, ensuring that only the most qualified and deserving individuals ascend to positions of leadership and responsibility within the regulatory framework.

The recent amendments to the SEBI (Employees’ Service) Regulations, 2024, underscore the pivotal role of the Board in ensuring accountability and oversight in senior-level appointments, particularly for the position of Executive Director. The amendments mandate that the competent authority must obtain approval from the Board before issuing appointment offers, thereby enhancing transparency and reinforcing the organization’s commitment to meritocracy. This heightened level of scrutiny not only instils confidence in the integrity of the selection process but also serves as a safeguard against any potential conflicts of interest.


In conclusion, the recent amendments to the SEBI Employees’ Service Regulations, 2024, epitomize SEBI’s commitment to refining its regulatory framework in response to the evolving dynamics of the securities market. By prioritizing fairness, efficiency, and accountability in its operations, SEBI not only strengthens its workforce but also reaffirms its dedication to safeguarding investors’ interests. These reforms signify bolstering governance and transparency within SEBI, thereby fortifying its role as the apex regulatory body in the Indian securities market.